I really find it hard to believe that 2008 is over. Brad and I were talking and we both agree this was probably one of our toughest years since we have moved. I know for many people this past year was not so great financially. That is where we were definately hurt the most. Nevertheless, God proved Himself faithful once again! He always has a way of doing that! We have endured some harsh things this year all of which have made me feel so blessed. Although I don't look forward to the valley's of life, I know that the valley is surrounded by mountaintops. Our preacher has been doing a series of sermons of the mountaintops and I have learned so much. I feel this past year, I have grown more in my christian walk, still very far from where I need to be. I have fallen more and more in love with my husband. I truly honor him and admire his hard work and his willingness to do whatever it takes to support his family. I have learned to just enjoy my children more this past year. I don't want them to grow up and my heart literally hurts at the thought of it. I have seen so many changes in Tyler this past year. Not bad changes, just "I am growing up, mom" changes. He is such a blessing to our lives. He truly wants to please the Lord in everything he does. He loves the Lord because he wants to , not because he has to. Little Emma is growing so fast. She has so much personality. This past year Emma finally got potty trained....Amen, Hallalujah and Amen!! She is such a cutie pie and she keeps us so entertained. We are so blessed. Brad and I don't deserve one minute of our lives. Our lives aren't fabulous, or glamourous, but they are definately filled with love, laughter, and they are OUR lives!!! I am excited to see what the Lord has planned for us in 2009!